January 23, 1945 - Newly found training photo!

From the Operations Record Book:  

The Squadron was stood down from operations and a flying training programme laid on.  The weather remained cold with low cloud and fairly wide-spread fog with visibility generally less than 500 yards.  The weather and visibility did not improve, consequently the flying training programme had to be cancelled and the day devoted to ground training and lectures.


Here is wonderful new find from the Hicks Family!  

In this photo, Tom Ditson (top row, second from left) and Douglas Hicks (bottom row at left) celebrate the completion of their program with fellow Air Gunners  at No. 10 Bombing and Gunnery School in Mount Pleasant, P.E.I.,  May 1944.  Ditson and Hicks would go on to join the Harris Crew as the Mid-Upper Air Gunner and Rear Air Gunner respectively.  

Source: The Hicks family


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