Available soon: The Harris Crew!

Vertical aerial photograph taken over Pforzheim, Germany
© Imperial War Museum (C 5083)
The story of the Harris Crew is soon to be a book!  Finishing touches are in progress but the cover is ready to go!

The background image on the cover has great significance for the crew as it is a shot of the Pforzheim raid the Harris Crew participated in on February 23, 1945.

The silhouette of a Lancaster can be seen in the top left corner.  another can be seen below the 'R' in Crew and a third at the bottom under the 'A.'

It isn't hard to imagine why Rear air gunner Douglas Hicks once wrote:  "With the aircraft still seemingly out of control the thought passed my mind that perhaps we should bail out.  I took one look at the burning inferno beneath me and with no hesitation at all decided that I would rather ride the aircraft into the ground than jump into the burning hell that was Pforzheim."


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